Thursday, October 8, 2009


I watched the webisode posted on the class' blog. I thought it was really great and I appreciated Professor Nicholson's cameo appearance. I'm really interested in eco-tourism and I thought it was insightful how the video addressed how not all companies that promote eco-toursim are really practicing it. They are just on the green band wagon for profit.

I love traveling and next semester I hope to study eco-tourism in Australia and just how feasible it is. Is it really good for the environment to travel half way across the world? How close can you interact with endangered animals without disturbing their natural habitat? Does eco-tourism boosts struggling economies? Does it protect forests that would have otherwise been torn down, if they hadn't attracted so many tourists? All of these questions I find really interesting. Part of the reason is probably because I want to justify my own desires to travel and not having to feel guilty.

I read something freshman year about how endangered species who were before being hunted were now being left alone because the local economy had been benefiting from the tourists who were coming to see them. I know it can be that simple though. However, I think it is a better way to preserve the environment than telling developing nations what they can and can not do with their resources, when Western countries have been destroying their own environments for centuries.

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